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1 Dan and Mary Wisner 2 Mark and Ann Schreffler 3 Doug and Donna Burdge 4 Sam and Marie Penington 5 Maurice and Donna Wilmoth 6 Karl and Kim Reichmuth 7 Wyatt and Sandra Williams 8 Tony and Dorothy Facci 9 Car and Laverne Starkey 10 Ricki St. Pierre 11 Jim Garrison 12 Jim and Adele Clifford 13 Bennie and Rosalie Desmond 14 Marvin and Bea Miller 15 Paul and Nadine Hartline 16 Lavern and Gloria Brewster 17 Ray and Mona DeWitt 18 Tom and Kaye Brown 19 George and Glenda Vecellio 20 Wayne and Shu-Sho Bracken 21 The Bracken's with Mother 22 Marvin and Donna Ainsworth 23 Marge and Bill Wood 24 James and Susan Smuda 25 Jerry and Liz McKinnon 26 Frank and Libby Hromadka 27 Dean Weaver 28 Omer and Aileen Thompson 29 Marilyn Moore 30 Eric and Pat Brummitt 31 Sue and Jerry Johnson 32 Moores, Brummitts, and the Johnsons 33 Gene and Carol Haynes 34 Carl and Carol Leffel 35 Bill and Janice Robinson 36 Robert and Vangie Naif 37 Fred and Deloris Doederlein 38 Hubert and Glenna Deyoe 39 Richard and Betty Wheeler 40 Alexander Bernard and Elena 41 Milton and June Burrell 42 Norris and Jan McCann 43 Bill Bonewitz 44 Helen Elliot 45 MaryAnn Zahnle 46 Jim Acheson 47 Ron and Dinora Nilson 48 Scott and Gloria Martin 49 Terry Daggett 50 Joe and Veanetta Chumbley 51 Jim and Debra, David and Cathy (Garrison Family) 52 Charles (Bosco) and Kiyoko Morgan of 52
Moores, Brummitts, and the Johnsons